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21st Meeting in Tokyo and Nagoya
Chairmen's Summary

The 21st Annual Meeting of the UK-Japan 21st Century Group was held in Tokyo and Nagoya from 11-13 March 2005. The meeting was chaired by Hon.Yasuhisa Shiozaki, Member of the House of Representatives, Japan Co-Chairman, and Rt Hon Dr Jack Cunningham MP, UK Co-Chairman.

In Tokyo the British delegation, accompanied by Mr Shiozaki, called on Prime Minister Koizumi. The Prime Minister said that bilateral relations were in excellent shape, but they needed constant maintenance. In this the 21st Century Group had a very important role to play. He acknowledged the important role that the Group had played in securing British participation in the Aichi World Expo, for which he was grateful. Mr Koizumi said that he was looking forward very much to his visit to the UK for the Gleneagles Summit in the summer.

He emphasized the efforts that Japan was making to protect the environment while underlining the difficulty the government faced in balancing environmental protection with the promotion of economic growth. He much welcomed the fact that Japanese generally were becoming more environmentally conscious. He himself had shown the lead by installing the most advanced energy saving equipment in his new official residence.

Dr Cunningham said that Prime Minister Tony Blair was grateful for the support which the Japanese Government was giving to his initiative on climate change. He very much hoped, too, that would the Gleneagles Summit would adopt measures for the alleviation of poverty, most notably in Africa.

Session 1: Japan in East Asia
Japan's economic and socio-political development in recent years cannot be adequately discussed without reference to a growing trend for Japan to explore its future direction in reference to an emerging East Asia regional economy. While the only example of regional integration has been the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), interest in regional community building has been generated by substantial economic expansion and integration in the region in recent years. There has been a proliferation of free trade agreements among nations in the region in the past few years. The birth in 1997 of the ASEAN + 3 dialogue mechanism (the 10 ASEAN countries, together with three Northeast Asian countries - Japan, Korea, and China) and the subsequent creation of some 44 dialogue fora, from summit meetings to senior official meetings, on issues ranging from foreign affairs through financial and economic affairs to the environment, energy and IT, have further enhanced the notion of regional cooperation. "East Asia community building" has now become a buzzword in Japan's political and economic discourse in recent years as well as that of other countries in the region.

However, this process of regional community building faces several serious challenges. One important issue is how to engage the United States, and to convince it of the benefit it can derive from long term East Asian regional integration. Another key question is the place of China in the proposed regional integration which is a matter of considerable debate in Japan. Other challenges include the lack of a common identity, a difficult historical burden, and diverse political systems. There is, nonetheless, a growing feeling among Japanese that Japan's future is closely linked with East Asian regional development and that the community building efforts which are open, inclusive and predominantly functional should be compatible with the critical security role of the alliance with U.S. on the part of some regional countries particularly Japan.

Session 2: The UK in the European Union
The next 18 months would be a defining period for the European Union and, especially for the UK's place in it. Britain would have the Presidency in the second half of 2005. All eyes would be on the UK in 2006 where there would be a referendum in the UK on ratification of the so-called European Constitution; it would be the last of the 25 members to face this. The UK had won most of what it wanted out of the negotiations on the Constitution. Perhaps, the most important new element would be the creation of the post of Foreign Minister which signified a move to make more feasible a common foreign and security policy CFSP).

Japanese participants noted that the UK's position vis-a-vis its European partners had been somewhat difficult to define. They were interested to know what more emphasis on a common foreign and security policy would signify for third parties. As yet this was not clear. There did not seem to be much appetite for CFSP in the UK at the moment. The electorate was complacent, if not skeptical, about the EU. In reality a great many people were much more comfortable with Europe and the European Union than before. Factors such as the Channel Tunnel and lowcost airlines had brought Europe much closer to people at all levels of society. The butt of any criticism was usually Brussels, ie the Commission and its perceived intrusiveness into every detail of people's lives. They had no difficulty with the fact that the Commission was responsible for many important areas of policy such as trade and the environment. An EU defence capability alongside NATO did not seem to worry people, nor did enlargement. In summary, Europe was a part of our everyday lives. While very few people had any idea of what the Constitution stood for, if faced with the apparent choice of a vote for or against Europe, they would probably vote in favour.

Session 3: UK-Japan Cooperation in Responding to Global Challenges
It was acknowledged that growing and increasingly complex challenges of global governance to secure and sustain peace and stability in the international community cannot be met by the United States alone but require greater participation of other major powers. The UK and Japan, which both maintain a close alliance relationship with the U.S. and play a leadership role in Europe and East Asia respectively, have a special role to play in the area of geopolitical issues. They should work together to make international joint responses in such areas more effective. Yet, there have not been sufficient effort by the UK and Japan to develop a shared understanding of the nature of the challenges we face, nurture a better appreciation of the strengths and constraints each has in making such contributions, and to devise common approaches in their foreign and security policies.

Recommendation: That, with a view to enhancing closer cooperation in responding to global geopolitical challenges, the UK and Japanese governments should develop a mechanism for regular consultations and a system for regular information exchange on these challenges.

Many participants noted that there also was a growing number of global issues in other areas that provide the UK and Japan with opportunities for closer cooperation. Prime Minister Tony Blair's recent call for greater support for the poorest countries in Africa is one area where the UK and Japan should provide joint responses through development assistance and support for the victims of communicable diseases such as AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. UK and Japan also can pool rich experience in technology, and work on preventive measures in such areas as natural calamities, depletion of natural resources and erosion of the environment, attacks on information networks, the risk of pandemics, and other issues which can deeply affect the system of global governance. Such cooperation can be promoted through the participation of diverse sectors in both countries including government, politics, business, universities, research institutions, media, NGOs and others. Given the recent growth of NGOs in Japan, one especially promising area for a joint UK-Japan response to global challenges would be through cooperation between civil society organizations.

Recommendation: That international NGOs in the UK should share their experience with Japanese NGOs and develop joint projects with public, philanthropic, and corporate support.

Session 4: New Challenges of International Energy Security: Potential for UK-Japan Cooperation
There was increasing risk to existing sources of energy supply. Many of these were in areas of political instability. Existing capacity was stretched to the limit and it was by no means clear that sufficient investment was going into exploration and development.
The two governments might engage in discussions on a regular basis on ways of dealing with the political and security risks. An imaginative approach was required in dealing with unstable areas/countries. Human rights was often a significant issue, as was religion. Many of the remaining major sources were in Islamic countries.

The UK and Japan might spearhead an effort to persuade and assist China and India to introduce energy saving measures. Demand from those two countries for fossil fuels was becoming insatiable and could lead to serious clashes with developed countries in the search for supply.

There were strong arguments for a return to nuclear power generation. It was cheap, safe, stable and environmentally friendly. The problem was public perceptions of the risks. Governments would have to make a choice in the near future. It was likely that they would have to bite the bullet of a return to nuclear power. This would cause consternation in some circles, so governments would have to seek ways to sell the advantages to the public.

Recommendation: That the two governments seek closer dialogue on the following issues, in which they had a number of problems in common:

  • the need for new technology in the field of nuclear power, in order to improve safety (eg materials technology) and overcome difficulties in the recruitment and training of students in nuclear engineering
  • negative public perceptions of nuclear power
  • the disposal of nuclear waste: there was no panacea, but there were solutions
  • government incentives for alternative energy sources
  • more funds for research into new technologies, notably hydrogen, and associated distribution problems.

Session 5: How to Balance Economic Development with Protection of the Environment
It was noted that both Japan and the UK were committed to meeting their Kyoto Protocol targets, although this would be an uphill struggle. In both countries the Governments were well aware that global warning was a proven fact but neither they nor scientists could agree on the future effect it would have on the environment. For that reason they had tended to duck the difficult decisions on energy conservation and not to invest sufficiently in new technologies. In the UK there had been much trumpeting of the benefits of alternative energy eg wind power but its benefits were questionable, especially since it often constituted a blight on the environment.

It was pointed out that much could be done to prevent global warming without the need for alternative fuels or new technologies. But it would be necessary for the governments to persuade their electorates to accept sacrifices. This they were usually not prepared to do. Most people demanded a constant energy supply and simultaneously protection of the environment. But they were not prepared to make the necessary sacrifices to achieve the latter. As a result governments would have to offer incentives as well as mount public education campaigns. There was a hint of complacency on their part, as well as on the part of their electorates to leave problems to the next generation.

In Japan, perhaps, surprisingly it had been residential and office buildings that had been responsible for the greatest increase in energy consumption over the last fifteen years. In the UK buildings were not as energy efficient as they should be. The Government should revive its campaign for energy saving in offices and homes. It should also give serious consideration to a tax on aviation fuel, a major source of pollution.

Once again it was argued forcefully that nuclear power was the only option in order to secure long term power supply while at the same time protecting the environment. But if decisions were taken to invest in it, then Japan and the UK should make common cause to avoid the pitfalls of nuclear proliferation. It was also pointed out that reliance will have to be placed on renewable energy and energy from hydrogen in the longer term in order to meet emissions standards, but this will require new technologies.

The Kyoto Protocol had been a landmark agreement but in practice the benefits to the environment from reductions stipulated in it would make only a very small contribution to the reduction of pollution. What was needed was a major effort by the UK and Japan and other likeminded countries to persuade the US, India and China to accept the need to make some sacrifices. In the case of India and China, perhaps, the best approach might be to offer them incentives to introduce new energy saving or pollution control technology.

Session 6: The Economic and Security Implications of the Rise of China
Everyone agreed that the rise of China had profound implications for the world. But was it a threat or an opportunity? Was it a challenge for some and an opportunity for others? For Japan it might be both.
The facts were not in dispute. China was the motor for the growth of the region of which Japan is a major beneficiary. At the same time, it had become a major consumer of natural resources and, with its increasing dependence on imported energy and raw materials, was competing aggressively for future supplies. China was also increasing its military capability. Recent events appeared to indicate a more assertive attitude on their part with submarine and other incursions into Japanese territorial waters or its EEZ. These and a very strong Chinese reaction to the recent "2+2" Joint Statement on a Common Strategy by the United States and Japan had caused a degree of anxiety in Japan.

Japan found it difficult to understand the why the EU wished to lift its arms embargo against China. It could have a destabilising effect on East Asia and even provoke an arms race in the region. The explanation seemed to lie in the commercial ambition of certain EU countries. Japanese participants hoped that the EU would adopt a cautious approach in which UK could take a lead as a close ally of the United States.
British participants explained that in lifting its arms embargo against China the EU would put in place a strengthened 'code of conduct' on arms exports by EU countries. Both sides agreed that there are many positive aspects of China's economic growth and that there were plenty of signs that China was prepared to engage multilaterally, both regionally and globally.

It was suggested that Japan might also look carefully at how countries other than China viewed Japanese leaders' visits to the Yasukuni shrine. Even friends of Japan saw an element of provocation and an apparent lack of remorse in these visits . Japanese participants explained that the shrine was built in 1870 and was a memorial to 2.6 million Japanese who had perished in war. There are views that Class A war criminals could be removed from the shrine and placed elsewhere. But the shrine was private and a way to achieve this had not yet been found.

Japan's attitude towards Taiwan was clear: it did not support Taiwan's independence and strongly hoped the issue would be resolved peaceful. As for the issue of history, there had been a clear statement of remorse and an apology by the then Japanese Prime Minister as long ago as 1995, and it was suggested that this position needed to be reaffirmed. The current state of Japan-China relations was being characterised as "cold in politics, and hot in economy". In these circumstances, Japanese corporations seemed to be prepared to pursue their interests despite political tensions and their concerns, among others, about China's creaking financial system and serious violations of intellectual property rights.

That the UK and Japan should engage more closely in a dialogue on the strategic issues affecting the region.

That the UK should strengthen its academic base in Asian studies, including languages, and increase academic exchange in this field with Asian counterparts.